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HSAA Track & Field Championships

Date & Venue

Saturday 8th June 2024, Dacorum Athletics Track, Jarman Park, Hemel Hempstead (TBC)

County Best Performances

Entry Information

You must enter through your Hertfordshire based school.

Timetable / Final Programme

School Officials for the Championships

All competing Schools have to supply a qualified Physical Education teacher for part of the Championship day to officiate events. This is a requirement that each school agrees to on entering athletes from their school or college.

Please check the Timetable download above to see what time and what event your school is officiating.

School Numbers

School numbers (15.98KB)

Championship Day Information

Sign in process –

Competitors must register directly at their event 10 minutes before the start time.

All competitors must bring eight safety pins with them on the day. A number must be worn on both their front and back, pinned securely in each corner.

School vests must be worn, Club vests are not allowed.

Selection Information

It is essential that all athletes achieving an Entry Standard or National Standard on the day of the Championships or earlier in the season, complete the appropriate documentation to be considered for the Hertfordshire team to go to the National Championships in July.

The Entry and National Standard documentation can be completed in the Club Room in the main pavilion.


Sadly the 2020 County Athletics Championships were cancelled due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic